故事花园-感恩的心,感谢有你!The Thankful Book!

故事花园-感恩的心,感谢有你!The Thankful Book!

2017-04-01    06'47''

主播: 辣妈英语秀

96 3

❀介绍: 辣妈英语秀微信公众号:tinashow727 订阅查看绘本全部高清图片并收听更多栏目! ❀导读:你有没有发现,自己的身边,有太多值得我们感恩的事情?感恩父母和爱人带给我们的陪伴,感恩他们对我们无微不至的照顾;感恩老师教给我们的每一个新知识;感恩春夏秋冬季节的更替,让我看到不一样的美景;感恩自己有一个健康的身体,可以做自己喜欢的事情;感恩自己拥有的一切……世间有太多的事情,值得我们心怀感恩。感恩的心,感谢有你! ❀绘本配文: Every day I try to think about the things I am thankful for. 我每天都会想想那些让我感恩的事。 I am thankful for my hair because it makes me unique. 我感谢我的头发, 因为它使我看起来很特别。 I am thankful for my ears because they let me hear words like“I love you”. 我感谢我的耳朵, 因为是它让我可以听到像“我爱你”这样的话语。 I am thankful for my garden because I like to watch things grow. 我感谢我的花园, 因为我喜欢看着花草们蓬勃的生长。 I am thankful for my shadow because it makes me look taller. 我感谢我的影子, 因为它让我看起来更高大。 I am thankful for bubble baths because they keep me squeaky-clean. 我感谢泡泡浴, 因为它让我变得干净极啦。 I am thankful for underwear because I like to wear it on my head. 我感谢我的小内裤, 因为我可以把它套在头上。 I am thankful for my friends because they make me smile. 我感谢我的朋友们, 因为是他们让我开心的微笑。 I am thankful for my pets because they keep me warm. 我感谢我的宠物们, 因为它们的陪伴让我感到温暖。 I am thankful for vacations because I get to see new people and places. 我感谢我的假期, 因为我可以在假期去新的地方结识新的朋友。 I am thankful for walks because they are special times for just you and me. 我感谢散步, 因为散步是属于你我共同的时光。 I am thankful for my hands because they help me give special gifts. 我感谢我的双手, 是它们帮我把特殊的礼物送给他人。 I am thankful for my feet because they help me run and play. 我感谢我的双脚, 因为它们帮助我跑步和玩耍。 I am thankful for music because it makes me want to dance. 我感谢音乐, 因为它让我情不自禁的起舞。 I am thankful for colors because they make me want to paint. 我感谢颜色, 因为它们让我想要挥笔作画。 I am thankful for school because I love to learn new things. 我感谢我的学校, 因为我喜欢学习新的东西。 I am thankful for the library because it is filled with endless adventures. 我感谢图书馆, 因为那里充满无尽的奇幻探险。 I am thankful for healthy food because it keeps me strong. 我感谢健康的食物, 因为它让我保持强壮。 I am thankful for the fall because I like to jump in the leaves. 我感谢秋天, 因为我喜欢在落叶里蹦蹦跳跳。 I am thankful for hugs because they make me feel good. 我感谢拥抱, 因为拥抱让我感觉棒极了。 I am thankful for kisses because they make me feel loved. 我感谢亲吻, 因为亲吻让我时刻感到被爱着。 I am thankful for holidays because they bring my family together! 我感谢节日, 因为每当节日时家人都可以欢聚一堂! There are lots of things to be thankful for. Try to remember some of them every day! 生活中有很多事情值得我们去感恩, 试着每天记着它们哦!