每日口语170403很高兴认识你: Nice to Meet You. / Nice to See you Again.

每日口语170403很高兴认识你: Nice to Meet You. / Nice to See you Again.

2017-04-03    04'10''

主播: 辣妈英语秀

182 1

辣妈英语秀微信公众号:tinashow727 订阅查看节目视频讲解及全部文字内容,参与每日口语打卡群! No.1 A: Helen,let me introduce you to David, our CEO. B: Hello, David. It's a pleasure to meet you here. A: 海伦,我来介绍你跟我们的首席执行官——大卫认识。 B: 你好,大卫。很荣幸认识你。 introduce [ˌɪntrəˈdu:s] v. 介绍,引见 CEO Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官 pleasure [ˈpleʒɚ] n.荣幸,愉快 No.2 A: Tom,this is my colleague,Gavin. B: We've met each other before. Nice to see you again,Gavin! A: 汤姆,这是我的同事盖文。 B: 我们之前见过面。很高兴再次见到你,盖文。 colleague [ˈkɑlig] n. 同事 Nice to meet you. 多用于首次见面的问候。 Nice to see you again. 用于非首次见面的问候