故事花园-小矛盾怕什么,我们是好朋友!Let's Be Friends Again!

故事花园-小矛盾怕什么,我们是好朋友!Let's Be Friends Again!

2017-04-08    07'25''

主播: 辣妈英语秀

42 0

❀介绍: 辣妈英语秀微信公众号:tinashow727 订阅查看绘本全部高清图片并收听更多栏目! ❀导读:看到这本绘本时,儿时的记忆一下就浮现在了眼前——依稀记得儿时的夏天,炎热的太阳下。哥哥骑车带我去少年宫上课,回家的路上我们偷偷买几毛钱的冰棍,我坐在车后座,连哥哥的那一根一起吃掉…… 这么多年过去了,我们似乎都没变,依然相信着,梦想着,喜欢着,没有任何改变。我总是想要感谢爸爸妈妈。让我有一个幸福的家庭,在我低谷的时候,哥哥会说:别担心,有哥哥在呢。生活中的每一件事情都传递给我一个讯息——什么都不重要,爱最重要,家最重要。不如我们一起把这人生活成一封温婉的情书,写给自己,写给家人。 今天给大家分享的绘本就和生活相关,一起来看看哥哥对妹妹的爱护和包容。让我们一起将这份爱护和包容送给自己的家人和朋友吧。 ❀绘本配文: This is a story about my little sister and me. 这是一个关于我和妹妹的故事。 Usually we got along well together. But…sometimes my little sister was a real pest. Particularly when I had to baby-sit. 我们通常相处得很愉快。 但是……有时候我的妹妹很讨厌。 特别是我得给她当保姆的时候。 But she was a good listener when I told bedtime stories. 但是当我讲睡前故事的时候,她听得可认真了。 Sometimes I hated having to share things with her all the time. But she was a great pirate! 有时候我不想一直和她分享我的东西。 但是她是一个很棒的海盗! One day my little sister did a terrible thing. 有一天,我妹妹做了件糟糕的事。 She thought that my pet turtle needed more exercise. 她以为我的宠物乌龟需要多锻炼。 So she decided to set it free in the pond! 所以她决定在池塘里把它放生了。 When I saw what she had done, I was madder than I'd ever been before. I could have killed her right there and then. 我知道了以后,生气了。 我从没发过这么大的脾气。 当时我真想了结了她。 But my parents didn't like that idea and separated us quickly. 但是我的爸爸妈妈不希望我这么做, 很快就把我们分开了。 My sister said that she was sorry. But I felt that was not enough! I was very angry. 我妹妹对我说对不起。 但是我觉得光道歉没有用!我非常生气。 She even offered to buy me a new turtle with her pocket money. But I didn't want a new one. I wanted MY turtle back! 她甚至提出用压岁钱给我买只新的乌龟。 但是我不想要新的。 我想要我那只被放生的乌龟回来! My parents didn't say much. They seemed to be on her side. I went to my room and slammed the door as loudly as I could. 我的爸爸妈妈没有说太多话。 他们看起来都站在妹妹那边。 我回到房间,用力地关上了房门。 I thought of many ways to punish my little sister. 我想出了好多好多方法来惩罚我妹妹。 I tried to get some sleep. But it didn't work. 我想要睡觉。但是睡不着。 I began to feel sick. I was convinced I even had a temperature! 我病了。我相信我肯定发烧了! I was too upset to get out of bed. Meanwhile, my sister was singing and dancing in the garden. She seemed to be having the best time of her life. 我太失落,不想起床啦。 但是同时,妹妹正在院子里唱着歌,跳着舞。 I was the one who was upset and my little sister didn't seem to care at all. My turtle was gone! How could she forget all about it so easily. I was mad, mad,MAD! 我很失落,但是我妹妹看起来并不关心。 我的乌龟没了! 她怎么能这么快就忘记了这一切。 我气!气!气!太生气啦! I punched my pillows a few times as hard as I could, let go of an awful scream… and felt a lot better. 我用力地敲打着我的枕头, 大声地尖叫了一声……然后觉得好多了。 Finally I knew what to do. 终于,我知道该怎么做啦。 I got up and put on my shoes. Then I went outside to where my sister was feeding the dog. 我穿上鞋子。 然后走了出去,到了我妹妹喂狗狗的地方。 I said to her, "I'll help you with that,” and she smiled. 我对她说,“我来帮你一起喂,” 她微笑啦。 "By the way," I said after a little while, "the thing with the turtle is OK. I'm not angry any more.” “顺便说下,”我过了会儿又说, “乌龟那件事儿没事儿啦。我不生气了。” "Does that mean we are friends again?” asked my sister. "Yes," I said. "We're friends again.” I was surprised how easy it was to say that. Then I asked her, "Do you want to come to the pet shop with me?" "To buy a new turtle?" "No,”I said and smiled. “意思是我们又能做朋友啦?”妹妹问。 “是的,”我说,”我们又是朋友啦。 ”我没想到,说出这句话竟然如此容易。 于是我问她“,你愿意和我一起去宠物商店吗?” “去买一只新乌龟吗?” “不。”我微笑着说。 “We are going to buy a couple of hamsters,” I said.“One for you and one for me. We can keep them in the old aquarium.” My sister took my hand and off we went. “我们要去买两只小仓鼠,” 我说,“一只给我,一只给你。 我们可以在旧的水缸里养它们。” 于是妹妹牵着我的手,我们就这样出发了。