故事花园-兔无完兔 Nobunny's Perfect

故事花园-兔无完兔 Nobunny's Perfect

2017-04-15    05'01''

主播: 辣妈英语秀

34 0

❀介绍: 辣妈英语秀微信公众号:tinashow727 订阅查看绘本全部高清图片并收听更多栏目! ❀导读:我们常说——“Nobody's perfect”,人无完人。虽然,我们都不完美,但只要能正视自己的缺点和不足并尽力去改正,我们就会越来越棒!我们虽不能做到完美,但可以通过努力尽善尽美!绘本给人的第一感觉便很舒服,清新的画面,十足的韵律...作者不是通过说教让我们懂得道理,而是选择了一只萌萌的兔子做为主角,带我们走进了它们的世界。最重要的是,故事的一开始便告诉我们:虽然兔子们都很乖,但偶尔,在伤心或生气的时候,还是会干些坏事儿。不完美的设定会让我们感到安心,也会更加好奇听接下来的故事。一起走进兔子们的世界吧…… ❀绘本配文: Every little bunny's good. They mostly do the things they should. 每一只兔子都是好兔子。 大多时候,它们会做应该做的事情。 But sometimes feeling sad or mad can make a little bunny...BAD! 不过偶尔它们难过或者生气的时候 就会变成坏兔子! Bad bunnies grab. They do not share. 坏兔子抢夺东西,不愿分享。 They hit and kick. They don't play fair. 他们互相踢打,不愿公平玩耍。 They slurp their juice. They scream and shout. They burp and spit their carrots out. 喝果汁的时候,他们总是发出很大吸溜声。 他们大喊大叫。 他们打嗝,还把萝卜吐得到处都是。 No "please" or "thanks" or "pardon me." They fuss and whine and disagree. 他们不说“请”、“谢谢”、“对不起”这些礼貌用语。 他们总是一惊一乍,发牢骚,起争执。 They scratch each other, squeal and fight. Instead of using words, they BITE. 他们互相挠对方,尖叫,打架。 不好好用语言交流,而是一言不合就咬人。 Nobunny's perfect,that is true~~ but aren't you glad this isn't YOU 虽然我们知道没有兔子是完美的,这是事实。 不过,你希望自己也像这样吗? Good bunnies try to do what's right. They use their words. They NEVER bite. 好的兔子总是试图去做正确的事情。 他们好好沟通,从不乱咬人。 Instead of grabbing, they say "please." They're nice to friends and they don't tease. 他们不抢夺,而会礼貌的说“请”。 他们待人友善,不捉弄别人。 They follow rules. They take their time. They do not push. They wait in line. 他们遵守规则,不慌不忙。 他们不推搡,而是排队等候。 They say "hello" and wave "good-bye." They give a hug when someone cries. 见面时,他们互相问候;分别时,他们挥手道别。 当别人难过哭泣时,他们给予温暖的拥抱。 And when the day is warm and sunny... they share it with another bunny. 当天气温暖而晴朗的时候... 他们会和其它的兔子一起分享暖暖的阳光。 No bad bunnies. No rude rabbits Use your manners, have good habits. Be polite and kind and true. 不做坏兔子,不做粗鲁的兔子。 让我们拥有良好的行为习惯。 让我们待人有礼、善良、真诚。