每日口语170608 postpone a reservation 延后预订

每日口语170608 postpone a reservation 延后预订

2017-06-08    05'16''

主播: 辣妈英语秀

91 4

欢迎订阅我,或关注【辣妈英语秀】微信公众号:tinashow727 查看绘本高清图片内容及更多精彩口语类节目! ON.1 ​Guest:Hi! I'm sorry that I'm still stuck in a traffic jam. So I'd like to postpone my reservation to 8 o'clock, please. Receptionist:OK, Sir. May I have your name? ​ ON.2 ​Receptionist:Hello. Mr.David. This is River Restaurant. You booked a table at 7 o'clock this evening, but you haven't come yet. Do you need to postpone your reservation? ​Guest:Sorry. I'm running a bit late. I'll be there in 10 minutes.