每日情景口语170731 It's crazy hot! / It's boiling hot!,热疯了,热炸了!

每日情景口语170731 It's crazy hot! / It's boiling hot!,热疯了,热炸了!

2017-07-31    06'29''

主播: 辣妈英语秀

140 5

欢迎订阅我,或关注【辣妈英语秀】微信公众号:tinashow727 查看高清图片内容及更多精彩口语类节目! ​ No.1 A: Oh. It's crazy hot out there! The sun is so violent these days! B: Well. That's the summer in Beijing! Let me turn up the air conditioner ! No.2 A:OMG! It's boiling hot! It's like being put into an oven ! B:Yeah. Even the breeze is hot. Let's go into the shopping mall right away ! ​