每日情景口语170823 Exactly. / Totally. 确切地

每日情景口语170823 Exactly. / Totally. 确切地

2017-08-23    04'14''

主播: 辣妈英语秀

47 0

欢迎订阅我,或关注【辣妈英语秀】微信公众号:tinashow727 查看高清图片内容及更多精彩口语类节目! No.1 T: Wow. The spicy crawfish here is amazing. It's the best one I've ever tasted. J: Exactly. The crawfish here is quite famous. No.2 J:I like the new movie. The plot is very touching and the leading actor is just so handsome! T:Totally. I'm a big fan of him. ☞关注微信公众号“辣妈英语秀”(tinashow727)获取【50部最适合学英语电影&小猪佩奇全四季英音文件】