每日情景口语171017 I Adore Him or Her-我崇拜TA

每日情景口语171017 I Adore Him or Her-我崇拜TA

2017-10-24    04'30''

主播: 辣妈英语秀

61 0

欢迎订阅我,或关注微信公众号【辣妈英语秀】(tinashow727)获取【50部最适合学英语电影&小猪佩奇全四季影音文件】 No.1 T: Jesse. Are you a big fan of Messi? J: Yeah. I adore him so much that I became a member ofhis official fan club. No.2 J:I&`&m gonnasign a contract with Bill tomorrow. He&`&s my new client and he&`&squite generous. T:Really? Would you please introduce me to Bill? Iadore him very much. "微软雅黑","sans-serif";color:black&`&>:I used to be a big fan of Michael Jackson, butnow my idol is Taylor Swi...