Frustrated & Depressed 口语中的用法

Frustrated & Depressed 口语中的用法

2016-01-14    14'24''

主播: 豪姐生活

619 12

Frustrated – 挫败的,无奈的,郁闷的, I feel very frustrated at this moment! . 我觉得很挫败沮丧/无奈/挫败。 I felt so frustrated and upset with myself/him/her/or somebody. “ 我感觉沮丧,对自己也很生气。” I’m so frustrated that he doesn’t listen to me. I’m so frustrated that I tried so many times and still can do it. The job makes him frustrated. His boss makes him frustrated. She was frustrated with his lack of table manners. 她对他的饭桌上粗鲁的餐桌礼仪感到很无奈 He is frustrated by his performance. 他为自己的表现而感到挫败。 He was frustrated by being ignored. I know you are frustrated with me, trust me, I’m working hard on it. 我知道你对我有点无奈,相信我, 我在努力。 He was frustrated by his team’s inability to develop creative ideas individually for the project. 他为团队没有能力单独为项目相出好点子而感到很无奈。 The teacher gets increasingly frustrated with the lack of attention from the students who are looking at their phones in class. 学生们只顾盯着自己的手机而不注意听我讲话,这让我产生了越来越强烈的挫败感。 He often feels negative, frustrated and 'drawn inward.' And he’s been struggling with feelings of jealousy and anger, and he avoided romantic relationships to protect himself from these feelings. 他一直都有种消极感和挫败感,孤僻内向。他经常挣扎在嫉妒和愤怒感中,为保护自己免受这些感觉困扰,他会刻意回避谈恋爱。 54% said they often feel impatient, frustrated or irritable at work, especially when demand gets high. 54%的人表示他们常常会在工作中感到不耐烦、受挫或暴躁,特别是在力不从心的时候,更会如此。 He finally made decision to leave the company as he’s been feeling bored and frustrated. 他终于决定要离开公司了,因为一直以来都觉得很无聊很挫败。 I feel really frustrated about making such a simple mistake again. 这么简单地错误再次发生,心里老觉得窝憋得慌。 Heavy rain frustrated out our plans for a picnic. 大雨使我们的野餐计划无法实现。 These questions frustrated me. 这些问题让我沮丧。 The terrible weather frustrated his hopes of finding food. 可怕的天气挫败了他寻找食物的希望。 Illness frustrated his plan. 生病使他的计划受阻。 I felt so dissatisfied, frustrated and even angry. 我觉得非常不满、沮丧甚至是愤怒。 And its likely you will end up frustrated if you continue working with him. 到最后,你很可能会成为失意的人。 Depressed:沮丧,抑郁,失落,郁闷,发愁,低沉 People eat when they are depressed. 人们心情沮丧的时候就会吃东西。 My bulging thighs and flabby stomach made me depressed. 我的老粗腿和游泳圈肚子让我很发愁啊。 You have no idea how depressed it made me. 你都想象不出这事儿弄得我多郁闷。 Legislation to encourage investment in depressed areas. 鼓励想经济困难地区投资的法规。 Lack of daylight makes people feel depressed. 日晒不足会让人情绪低落 I’m feeling very depressed now. 我现在感到非常沮丧 He is depressed that he fails an important interview 他的那个重要面试失败了,这让他很沮丧。 Are you feeling stressed, hostile, or depressed. 你是感到压力大,有敌意,还是沮丧? The conversation made him very depressed. 这次对话弄得他很沮丧。 There are more and more depressed people nowadays. 如今抑郁的人越来越多了。