品电影《死亡诗社》 分享双语诗篇

品电影《死亡诗社》 分享双语诗篇

2017-04-13    87'11''

主播: 奥莉酱OLI🍰☂️

203 5

To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time                     by Robert Herrick Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying: And this same flower that smiles to-day To-morrow will be dying. The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun, The higher he's a-getting, The sooner will his race be run, And nearer he's to setting. That age is best which is the first, When youth and blood are warmer; But being spent, the worse, and worst Times still succeed the former. Then be not coy, but use your time, And while ye may, go marry: For having lost but once your prime, You may for ever tarry.   致少女,毋负青春 罗伯特.赫里克(1591-1674) 花开堪折直须折, 时光飞驰不可追, 今日花开似微笑, 明天凋落不堪折。   玫瑰芬芳需采撷, 稍纵即逝难觅踪, 君不见今日笑容, 明日将香消玉殒。   旭日如灯等九天, 喷薄直上云霄间, 待到扶摇最高处, 光华将敛落西山。   青春时光最美妙, 血气方刚胆气豪, 光阴易逝红颜老, 时光相追不停留。   莫将羞颜误良宵, 花好月圆红烛烧, 一刻千金君莫笑, 遗恨年华逐浪涛。