

2018-05-24    13'26''

主播: 富哥.

115 0

读电影《东方快车谋杀案》2017的经典台词,聊聊我与阿加莎缘分的节点。又再次偷懒,脱稿说话,注意力全在“是/似”之类的发音上,普通话都说不好,真不好意思……然后补充一句,我的英语真的是体育老师教的。 “室友”=“前室友”,叫惯了一下子改不过来了。 以下是英语原文: Hercule Poirot: [voice over] My dear, Colonel Armstrong. Finally, I can answer your letter at least with the thoughts in my head and the feeling in my heart that somewhere, you can hear me. I have now discovered the truth of the case, and it is profoundly disturbing. I have seen the fracture of the human soul. So many broken lives, so much pain and anger, giving way to the poison of deep grief, until one crime became many. I have always wanted to believe that man is rational and civilized. My very existence depends upon this hope, upon order and method and the little gray cells. But now, perhaps, I am asked to listen, instead to my heart. [to the passengers on the train as he is leaving[ Hercule Poirot: Ladies and gentlemen, I have understood in this case that the scales of justice cannot always be evenly weighed. And I must learn, for once to live with the imbalance. There are no killers here. Only people who deserve a chance to heal. The police have accepted my first solution to the crime, the lone assassin who made his escape. I will leave the train here to conclude formalities. You are all free to go. May you find your peace with this. May we all. Caroline Hubbard: Let it end with me. They’re not killers. They’re good people. They can be good again. Hercule Poirot: There was right, there was wrong. Now there is you. I cannot judge this. You must decide. You wish to go free without punishment for your crime, then you must only commit one more. I will not stop you. [to the passengers] Hercule Poirot: A murder should have one victim. When Ratchett kills Daisy Armstrong a dozen lives are broken, deformed, ended. They demand justice! Of all these wounded souls, we must finally answer, who among them is a killer? Who takes up the knife? The answer is, no single one of you could have done it. Nor any pair. It can only have been done by all of you. Together. Together. Whatever people say, there is right, there is wrong. There is nothing in between. We seek the truth from within, not without.