P20  Cackle,cackle,Mother Goose

P20 Cackle,cackle,Mother Goose

2016-09-22    00'43''

主播: Kevin妈妈☺

78 3

《Cackle,cackle,Mother Goose》,一天一点进步哦! Cackle, cackle, Mother Goose, Have you any feathers loose? Truly have I, pretty fellow, Quite enough to fill a pillow. 咯咯,咯咯,鹅妈妈,  你可有要掉下羽毛? 的确有,我可爱的朋友, 够拿来做个枕头哦! 大家要注意的发音: cackle 咯咯叫 goose 鹅 loose 松软的 fellow 伙伴 pillow 枕头 feather 羽毛 pretty 可爱的 阅读 tips 1.押韵 阅读时需要注意:goose和loose 、 fellow 和pillow的押韵 2.连读 需要注意的连读有:have you,have I,和fill a 3.弱读 童谣里需要弱读的词有:to