解余宏博士 谈【气针导引疗法】在治疗痛症临床应用中的体会 英国

解余宏博士 谈【气针导引疗法】在治疗痛症临床应用中的体会 英国

2020-12-15    49'13''

主播: 解余宏

352 0

YUHONG 气针导引疗法,是解余宏博士在总结自己二十多年临床经验的基础上首次提出的 气、针、导引三结合的中医治疗方法,这里的气针包括气指针(以指代针)、气毫针(普通针 灸针)、气浮针(一种特殊针具),是将气功外气运用于针灸推拿临床的独特的中医治疗手段, 效果神奇;这里的导引指医者或施术者运气于患者的治疗部位以助气血运行,并指导患者有 针对性地练习辨病辩证医疗气功功法。 Dr. Xie (PhD & Medical Doctor) is the first to apply the theory and practice of Qi, Zhen and Daoyin (that is Qigong, Acupuncture and Dao Yin) to Chinese medical treatment, based on his clinical experience for over twenty years. Qizhen (Qi needles) consists of Qi Zhi Zhen(using finger with Qi as needle),Qi Hao Zhen (Qi on normal acupuncture needle) and Qi Fu Zhen (Qi on special needle). This unique clinical treatment method uses external Qigong healing in acupuncture and Tuina (Chinese medical massage). The effects are commendable. Daoyin (guiding energy) means the doctor or practitioner emits Qi onto the affected area to promote the patient’s Qi and blood circulation, and also guides the patient to practice specific medical Qigong exercise which assists in identifying and healing diseases.