

2017-01-24    02'37''

主播: 英文主播皮卡丘

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【每日一句】微信搜索【竖起耳朵听】即可加入有老外的英语社群! Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes. 每个人犯了错误,都自称是经验。——经验是一个人给自己所犯的错误取的名字。 【每日一说】 "说曹操,曹操到"用英语怎么说? 正确答案:Speak of the devil[ˈdevl] 参考译文: 本句是一句老话,但却仍是常用的话。在讲话中提到某人时,该人正好出现,这时就可以用这句话来欢迎他的出现,比单纯的 How are you? 或 It's you. 好多了。    范例    1. Speak of the devil.['dev(ə)l] We were just talking about you. 说曹操,曹操到。我们刚才正谈到你呢。 2. Talk of the devil!   说曹操,曹操到!    3. Speak of the devil. Why? What were you talking about me?  说曹操,曹操到。怎么?你们在说我什么?    会话记忆 :  A: Well, speak of the devil.    哇,真是说曹操,曹操到。    B: What do you mean?    你是什么意思?    A: I was just thinking about you the other day.    我日前才刚刚想到你。    B: You were?    你真的想到我? 【每日歌曲】 By Our Love Andy Krenz - Andy Krenz & The Yokefellow