记住,单身狗不是“single dog”!

记住,单身狗不是“single dog”!

2017-03-13    03'21''

主播: 英文主播皮卡丘

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虽然single有单身的原因,但是单身狗不能翻译为"single dog"。 “单身狗”在英语世界里的对应说法是damn single,读起来是“单身狗”三个汉字的谐音,英文的字面意思就是“该死的单身”,可谓神译。 西方文化中,狗是忠诚的象征,自然也有很多跟狗有关的谚语: dog-tired 累成狗 dog-eared books 读得卷了边的书 dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠 dog watch 夜班 old dog 上了岁数的人、老手 You're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿! as faithful as a dog 像狗一般的忠诚 跟狗狗有关的短语和句子: work like a dog 指一个人努力、卖命地工作 They say that to be successful, a person has to work like a dog. 他们说,一个人想要成功就得拼命工作。 dog eat dog 残酷、竞争激烈 Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world. 有人说,我们生活在一个竞争激烈的世界。 sick as a dog 病得严重 The situation would be even worse if she became sick as a dog. 如果她病得厉害,情况会更糟。 the dog days of summer 一年中最热的三伏天 I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days of summer. 在三伏天里,除了游泳,我什么事也做不成。 下面来分享关于其他动物的谚语: as graceful as a swan (像天鹅)姿态优雅的 as gentle as a lamb [læm](像羊羔)性情温顺的 straight from the [hɔ:rs] horse's mouth 根据最可靠的消息来源 eat like a horse 吃得很多 bell the cat 挺身而出