

2017-04-07    03'14''

主播: 英文主播皮卡丘

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My fault Oh, my fault, I‘ll own it. 噢我承认,这都是我的错。 terribly/extremely sorry I am terribly sorry that I stepped on your toes. 我踩到你的脚趾,真是抱歉。 I am terribly sorry about that. 我对此非常抱歉。 Excuse me Excuse me for giving you so much trouble. 对不起,给你添这么多麻烦。 Excuse me for what I said to you yesterday. 请原谅我昨天说过的那些话。 please accept my apologies [əˈpɒlədʒi] Please accept my apologies for making such a mess. 我搞砸了,请接受我的道歉。 I do hope you will accept our sincere apologies. 我真心希望你能够接受我们真诚的歉意。 please forgive me Please forgive me, I didn't mean to start a fight. 请原谅,我本来不想和你吵架。 Please forgive me for interrupting , but I have a question. 抱歉我插个嘴,我有一个问题。 I can't tell you how sorry I am I can't tell you how sorry I am for giving you such a fright. 让你受到惊吓,我实在过意不去。 I really do apologies I really do apologies for causing inconvenience to you. 给你带来不便,实在不好意思。 -You give me the wrong soup. -I really do apologies. -你上错汤了。 -真是非常抱歉。 May I offer you my sincerest apologies May I offer you my sincerest apologies, my dear friend? 亲爱的朋友,请接受我最真挚的歉意好吗? Please allow me to offer you my apologies. 请允许我向各位表示歉意。 That's quite all right/Not at all 没关系;不用道歉 -Sorry about what my friend said. -Not at all. I thought they were funny. -我朋友说了那些话,真不好意思。 -没关系。我觉得他们挺有趣的。 You're excused -Excuse me. -You're excused. -对不起。 -没关系。 apology accepted -Please accept my apologies, Ma'am. -Apologies accepted. -请接受我的道歉,女士。 -我接受你的道歉。 Please don't be/Please don't worry about it -Sorry, I missed the train. -Please don't be. It wasn't your fault. -对不起,我拿错了。 -不要这样。这不是你的错。 There is no reason to apologize There is no reason to apologize for such a trifling thing. 没有理由为这点小事而道歉。 That's really not necessary That's really not necessary. I understand. 不必道歉。我能理解。 Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for forgiveness, or else forgiving another。  祈求宽恕和宽恕别人,再没有比此时的人性更美的了。 随口一句Thank you,随口一句Sorry,虽然礼貌,但语气却显得很弱。而最好的解决办法,就是学一些更有诚意的说法,才显得你的道歉有说服力,更容易被人谅解。 Sorry Expressions Whether it's a serious offense or an easily reparable boo-boo, saying sorry is key to maintaining good relationships. Here are the top ways to say sorry in English. Sorry. (抱歉) We use this when we bump into people on the street. At other times, it sounds too weak. —— Other ways to say sorry: —— I'm (so / very / terribly) sorry. (我很抱歉) We use 'so', 'very' and 'terribly' to make the meaning stronger. 'Terribly' is the strongest. If we use one of the words in brackets, it is stressed. Ever so sorry. (实在对不起) This phrase is quite formal but it's a stronger apology than just 'sorry'. How stupid / careless / thoughtless of me. (我真是太愚钝 / 粗心 / 轻率了) Use this phrase to criticise ourselves, and the mistake that we have just made. It's my fault. (是我错了) Sorry. That was all my fault. Please excuse my (ignorance) (请原谅我的……) We use this phrase to apologise for our lack of knowledge or ability. We can replace the word in brackets with other nouns, e.g. carelessness, forgetfulness. Please don't be mad at me. (是我不好,你别生气) Is asking the other person not to get angry. The tone is quite informal. Please accept our (sincerest) apologies. (请接受我们的诚挚歉意) This is often used in formal letters. The word 'sincerest' makes the apology very strong and very formal.