green tea bitch绿茶婊
girls who pretend to be pure and innocent but in fact are manipulative[məˈnɪpjəleɪtɪv] and calculating.
gold digger 拜金女
someone, usually a woman, who tries to attract a rich person, usually a man, in order to get presents or money
例:I don't have contact with her because she is a gold digger .
material girl 拜金女
A girl who loves money from a guy and doesn't care how he is as a person
例:She is a material girl.
attendant / ә’tendәnt/n.侍者;护理人员
transmission/ trænz’miʃən/ n.传送;传动;发射
pride/ praid/ n.骄傲;自豪 vt.自夸
Chinese/ ‘tʃai’ni:z/ a.中国的 n.中国人
sponsor/ ‘spɔnsə/ n.发起者 vt.发起
alien / ‘eiljәn/a.外国的 n.外国人
circulation / sә:kju’leiʃәn//n.循环;(货币等)流通
collect/ kə’lekt/ vt.收集 vi.收款
fluent/ ‘flu(:)ənt/ a.流利的,流畅的
offer/ ‘ɔfə/ vt.提供;提出 n.提供