口语每天练 | 记住:"吃"不是''eat''!

口语每天练 | 记住:"吃"不是''eat''!

2017-07-27    03'10''

主播: 英文主播皮卡丘

536 5

chew 咀嚼,我们说吃口香糖就是chewing gum That big dog was chewing on a bone. 那只大狗在啃骨头。 bite 咬 She took a bite out of the pear[peə]. 她咬了一口梨。 swallow ['swɒləʊ] 吞下,咽下 The tea was almost too hot to swallow. 这茶烫得几乎咽不下去。 pig out 狼吞虎咽、大吃特吃 We pigged out on the party. 我们在聚会上大吃特吃。 eat up 吃光、吃完 Oh,no!You left a lot of food on your plate. 噢,你的盘子上剩下一大堆食物。 Eat it up! 把它吃光! eat out 上馆子吃、去外面吃饭 We had to eat out all the time,as we need to save time. 我们不得不总是在外面吃,因为这样节省时间。 eat in 在家吃饭 Are you going to eat in or eat out? 你今天打算在家吃饭还是在饭馆吃饭? overeat 吃得太多、吃撑了,相反地,吃得很少可以说 eat like a bird If you overeat,you are likely to get fat. 如果你吃太多,很可能会变胖。 grab a bite 随便吃几口垫垫肚子 Let's grab a bite before we go. 走之前咱们先赶紧垫垫肚子吧! be on a hunger strike 绝食 That child has been on hunger strike for three days. 那个小孩已经绝食三天了。 be on a diet 节食 Have you been on a diet recently? 你最进在节食吗? Full 或 stuffed[stʌft] 吃饱了 I'm full/ I'm stuffed 我吃饱了