

2017-10-09    03'06''

主播: 英文主播皮卡丘

93 3

Go ahead! 勇往直前! Go ahead!You can do it! 加油,你一定可以的! No Sweat! 别担心! No sweat! I can finish it . 别担心!我可以一下子就完成。 Play up! 加油! Play up,it's your turn! 加油啊,该轮到你了。 You can do it. 你能行的! Make the right decision, I know you can do it. 要做出正确的选择,我知道你能做到。 Go for it. 勇敢地去吧 As long as your competitor is up for the challenge, you might as well go for it. 只要你的竞争者可以挑战,那么你也可以去为奖学金而奋斗。 What are you waiting for?等啥呢,赶紧上啊!/还犹豫什么呢? This coffee table which comes in two styles can be yours for just $95. So, what are you waiting for? 还犹豫什么呢?你只需花95美元就能拥有它,还有两种不同风格的造型,任你挑选。 Hang in there! 加油,顶住! Hang in there! You'll soon catch on to the language. 坚持学习!你很快就会掌握这种语言的。 Come on! 加油! I love you baby,come on ! 亲爱的,我爱你,加油! Keep it up/ Stick to it 继续努力!/坚持下去! Once you set specific speed, stick to it. 一旦你确定了某种速度,就坚持下去。 Cheer up! 振作,加油! Cheer up,it's your turn! 加油啊,该轮到你了。 Keep pushing. 再接再厉! If you can't get that job, don't give up, keep pushing. 如果找不到,也不要灰心,再接再厉。