英语口语学习:记住:“没面子”不是"no face"

英语口语学习:记住:“没面子”不是"no face"

2017-10-10    03'08''

主播: 英文主播皮卡丘

118 5

网络上很火的梗:“神经病啊,我不要面子的啊!” 大家听过嘛?每个人都有自尊心和羞耻心甚至是虚荣心。中国人的面子工程一直是诟病。 今天,我们来学习有关“面子”地道表达,一起学一学吧!.....上面那个(梗geng)皮卡丘就是说不好,福建人的普通话,连皮卡丘自己都嫌弃啊! 1、make sb. look bad 让别人看起来很不好:难堪、窘迫 You're kind of making me look bad. 你让我很没面子啊。 2、mortified[ˈmɔ:tɪfaɪ] mortify 的基本意思是“使...受辱” 感觉受到侮辱,觉得很没面子 I was mortified, the way you behaved tonight. 你今晚做的,让我很没面子。 3、embarrassing 令人尴尬、困窘 It's embarrassing to lose all the time. 老是输很没面子。 4、shame 使人羞愧、感到羞耻 She felt great shame at having failed the exam. 她考试不及格,觉得很没面子。 Were it not for shame, I have asked him. 要不是怕会没面子的话,我早就问了。 其他相关表达: more nice than wise (死要面子活受罪,因爱面子而损害自己的利益) He refuse to accept help as he is nice than wise. 他由于死要面子而不肯接受帮助。 think of somebody’s reputation/(顾及他人面子) show respect for somebody; do somebody a favour(给别人面子) for the sake of somebody’s reputation/good name(看在某人的面子上...) Pride goes before, and shame comes after. 骄傲使人落后。