英语口语:记住:“我想你”不仅是“I miss you”

英语口语:记住:“我想你”不仅是“I miss you”

2017-10-12    03'32''

主播: 英文主播皮卡丘

125 2

think of I have been terribly thinking of you since our last meet. 自上次见面后,我一直在疯狂地想着你。 yearn much toward “yearn”基本意思是“渴望”,衍伸为思念某人 I yearns much toward my friends. 我好想念我的好朋友。 heart ache[eɪk] for someone Her heart ached for her husband. 她心里一直惦记着她的丈夫。 languish[ˈlæŋgwɪʃ] for “languish”基本意思是“憔悴”,衍伸为“因思念而哀愁” The mother languished for the sight of her daughter. 母亲苦苦地渴望见到自己的女儿。 sigh for “sigh”基本意思是“叹息”,指无意识地陷入强烈的渴望、思念等情绪 The old man sighed for the good old days. 老人非常想念过去的美好日子。 pine for “pine”的原意是“消瘦、憔悴”,引申为“渴望、想念” She sat in the house day after day, pining ['paɪnɪŋ] for her lover. 她一连几天坐在屋里,思念着自己的爱人。 long for 思念 ;渴望见到某人 He is longing [ˈlɒŋɪŋ] for his family all the time. 他每时每刻都在思念着亲人。 linger [ˈlɪŋgə(r)] on the thought of someone "linger "有“逗留、徘徊”的意思,引申为思绪徘徊,思念他人 He lingered on the thought of his loved ones. 他缠绵地思念着心爱的人儿。 be anxious[ˈæŋkʃəs]/concern/solicitous about 基本意思都是“担心、担忧”,引申为“挂念” I am very concern about her. 我非常挂念她。 I‘ll be fine. Not to be anxious about me. 我会好好的,不必挂念我。 cherish the memory of someone 字面意思是“珍惜有某人的记忆”,引申为“缅怀、怀念” He is dearly cherishing the memory of his dead grandma. 他深切想念过世的奶奶。 I send my mito the scattering['skætərɪŋ] stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding ['ʃedɪŋ] through your window 我想将对你的思念寄予散落的星子,但愿那点点的星光能照进你的窗前,伴你好梦!