

2019-11-11    03'48''

主播: 英文主播皮卡丘

459 3

1、“相亲”用英语怎么说? ①blind date 英文释义: a romantic social meeting between two people who have never met each other(由他人安排的)男女初次约会。 go on a blind date 去相亲 ②matchmaking /ˈmætʃmeɪkɪŋ/ n.做媒;牵线搭桥 Chinese parents traditionally involve themselves closely in their children's marriages and consequently place even more pressure on children who say they don't want to ever get married. 一直以来,中国父母对子女的婚姻介入得过于密切,因此对那些声称不想结婚的孩子施加了更大的压力。