

2018-02-03    12'57''

主播: 英语鸟BirdyEnglish

419 9

特产 specialty 烤鸡 Roast Chicken 北京烤鸭 Beijing Roast Duck roast 和bake的区别请听讲解 酥脆 crispy或crisp 柔嫩soft 肉质鲜嫩 tender 肉质老 tough The meat is still pink 肉还没熟呢 肉不熟 pink 生的 raw it's raw, you can't eat that 正宗的 authentic The authentic Beijing Roast Duck is incredible 正宗的北京烤鸭真是太美味了 形容好吃 tasty, yummy, good , great, amazing, incredible, awesome. 还可以用 be out of this world Oh my God, this soup is out of this world 天哪,此汤只应天上有