她唱歌"跑调", 你懂的!

她唱歌"跑调", 你懂的!

2017-01-12    05'21''

主播: 苏珊外语

55 0

欢迎关注“苏珊英语”微信公众号! Out of Tune & In Tune She is often referred to as "diva" by Chinese media. 她常常被中国媒体称为“天后”。 Her latest performance in the concert has triggered a heated discussion. 她最近在演唱会上的表现引起了热烈的讨论。 "The timbre is lost, no breath, pitch away" Ms. Gong said...... “音色丢了, 气息没了, 音准走了”龚女士说 ... ... 走调 1. out of tune (形容词,副词) Every song he sings is out of tune. 他唱每首歌都走调。(形容词,修饰形容词) The violinist is playing out of tune. 那位小提琴演奏者弹跑调了。(副词,修饰动词) 2. go out of tune (动词) The piano goes out of tune. 钢琴音不准。 3. off-key (形容词,副词) The bass player is off-key. 那个贝斯手弹走调了。 That famouse band sings off-key. 那个有名的乐队唱跑调了。 在调上 4. in tune (形容词,副词) None of them could sing a note in tune. 他们没有一个人唱歌在调上。 That little girl sings toally in tune. 那个小女孩唱歌音很准。 5. carry a tune (动词) I can't carry a tune. 我五音不全/唱歌走调。 6. stay in tune (动词) She stays in tune only the first half of the song. 只有前半首歌音是准的。 欢迎关注“苏珊英语”微信公众号! 天冷了,可是回家的心是暖暖的!