美国中央情报局"绝密档案"近期公布"!-UFO... 17.01.19

美国中央情报局"绝密档案"近期公布"!-UFO... 17.01.19

2017-01-20    05'20''

主播: 苏珊外语

59 1

Susan News Report‍ 新闻听力,汇集国内外热点新闻趣事报道 This is the International News Report by Susan in China. All the news materials are sorted out and edited solely by Susan. Italy Avalanche Early this morning, a number of people were killed by an avalanche in the central region of Italy, Abruzzo. Up to 30 people were in the Rigopiano hotel when it was hit by the avalanche causing the collapse of the hotel roof. Unfortunately, due to a snowstorm and blocked routes, the access to the hotel was interrupted. Rescuers had to remove the barriers and battled overnight to reach the scene. 今日清晨,许多意大利中部地区-Abruzzo的人死于雪崩。将近30人在Rigopiano酒店内,当酒店遭受雪崩,雪崩导致酒店屋顶坍塌。不幸的是,由于暴风雪和被堵塞的道路,通往酒店的路被阻断,救援人员不得不清除障碍,连夜战斗赶往现场。 CIA Declassified Files Recently, almost 800,000 former CIA confidential files have been released online. The 13 million page declassified documents consist of both the records of UFO sightings and psychic experiments, which are also the focuses of public attention. According to the records detailing the tests of psychic powers, the psychic celebrity, Uri Geller, was able to partly replicate the pictures drawn by researchers in another sealed room. The declassified archives are now available on the CIA Library website, and the CIA announced that it's going to publish the material in November. 近期,约800,000份前美国中央情报局的机密档案在网上被公布。13百万页长的解密档案包含了不明飞行物和超自然实验的记录,这些也是人们最关注的焦点。根据档案关于超自然测试的详细记载,一个著名的超自然名人,Uri Geller,能够部分复制出研究人员在一个密闭房间里画的图案。 这些解密档案现在都可以在CIA的图书网站上获取,同时CIA宣布将会在11月时出版这些材料。 This is the news by Susan on 19 Jan. 2017. Thank you for your listening! Vocabulary 1. avalanche: 雪崩 2. collapse: 坍塌 3. blocked routes: 封锁的路线 4. access to: 通道 5. interrupt: 阻断 6. remove the barriers: 清除障碍 7. CIA = US Central Intelligence Agency: 美国中央情报局 8. confidential files: 机密文件 9. declassified: 解密的 10. consist of: 包含 11. UFO= unidentified flying object: 无法确认的飞行物/不明飞行物 12. psychic power: 超自然能力/特异功能 13. replicate: 复制 14. sealed: 密封的