穹顶之下,face it

穹顶之下,face it

2016-02-29    12'24''

主播: Sky-lee

372 35

1. face face to face . 柴静 、 face the difficulties . 2. fact n. in fact = actually No one can explain the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy . 3. factory n. In a few years , the small workshop has become a large factory which employed 728 people . 富士康 流水线 low labour cost history n. 4. fail : fail in the exam . fail to do sth / failure 5. succeed v : succeed in doing successful adj : successfully adv success n . success story 海纳晨读 为您推送提高英语学习兴趣,增加英语词汇量的精彩讲解。 主讲教师:李博 海纳教育创始人,留美学者,交际教学法专家,新概念英语专家 李博老师微信:skylee19821011 学习英语的路上,你并不孤单。 如果您喜欢本节目,请帮忙转发。