Nina英文故事Maisy's Bedtime

Nina英文故事Maisy's Bedtime

2016-03-22    03'25''

主播: Nina Jin

595 19

小鼠波波是一只可爱又善良还带点小迷糊的小老鼠,波波每天都和好朋友松鼠乐乐,鳄鱼丁丁,小鸡奇奇一同玩耍;而他们之间发生的许多精采生活冒险故事,都让孩子们身同感受,觉得:我就跟波波是一样的。内容充满温馨趣味,欢乐创意,寓含着家长对幼儿期小朋友的教养理念,同时也提供了一个无限延伸的想像空间。 人物介绍: Maisy - A four-year-old mouse who lives in a yellow house with a red roof. Panda - Maisy's little stuffed toy companion. Tallulah - A four-year-old chick almost always seen wearing a dress and a bow on her head. Cyril - A five-year-old squirrel who wears a bow-tie. Eddie - A nine-year-old elephant who is often in settings where he is too big to participate. Charley - A seven-year-old crocodile who loves to eat.