

2016-12-09    02'33''

主播: 美旭英语

264 7

A boy and a girl was chatting, and the girl, Lily, was sharing her story happened this morning on her way to school. 男孩和女孩正聊着天,女孩Lily和男孩提起今天早上在她上学路上发生的事。 -- “Guess what I saw at 7 o’clock this morning when I was walking to school on Hassan Street!” -- “你猜,今早上7点钟,当我步行去学校的时候在汉森街上看到什么了!” -- “I don’t know. Tell me.” -- “我怎么知道,快告诉我吧。” -- “I was halfway along the street when I saw a huge parade coming towards me.The Russian circus was coming to town.” -- “当时我正走在半道上,忽然看见一个盛大的游行向我走过来。原来,是俄罗斯马戏团来咱们镇上了! --“First there were three white elephants, with two children riding on each of them. -- 队伍最前面的,是三只白色的大象,每只大象背上骑两个小孩儿; -- Then there were four tall giraffes, and they each had one woman rider. 紧接着,是四只高高的长颈鹿,每一只背上都骑着一位女士; --Then came the clowns. Two in a funny car and three were running behind it. --再后面,小丑出来了。两个小丑坐在一个滑稽的车里,三个跟在后面跑着; Last of all, there two big, clear balls. Each with a clown inside and one balancing on top. --最后,有两只大大的、透明的球,每只球里都有个小丑。同时,每只球的上方还有一个小丑保持平衡。 So, do you know how many people there were on Hassan Street going to school at 7 o’clock today? --那么,你知道今早上7点有多少人走在通往学校的汉森街道上吗?“ 大家好,我是本期美旭英语charlotte老师,请大家抽出短短几分钟, 一起跟随我的声音,体验朗读英文的妙处!! 更多文本内容请关注美旭英语公众号:maxengedu
下一期: Day-2《阿里和他的魔毯》