

2016-12-12    02'15''

主播: 美旭英语

297 13

大家好,我是本期美旭英语charlotte老师,请大家抽出短短几分钟,一起跟随我的声音, 体验朗读英语的妙处!!! One very hot day Ali finds a carpet in his uncle’s shop. “What’s this?” He wonders Suddenly the carpet jumps! It moves and flies off into the air. “Hey! What’s happening?” A loud booming voice comes from the carpet. “Welcome, O master. I am a magic carpet.” First they fly high up into the sky and then they land in a jungle. It is hot and wet and it’s raining. Then they fly to the desert. It is very, very hot and dry. “It is very, very hot today!” After that they fly to the South Pole. There is lots of ice and snow. It’s freezing. “Where are we now? I can’t see!” “In the mountains. Can you see me?” “It’s very foggy.” Then they fly to a forest. It’s very windy there. “Oh, it’s windy in the forest!” Then they fly to an island in the sea. There is thunder and lightning. “Aaagh! Let’s go home!” “What a storm!” Finally they fly back home. The carpet lands in the shop and Ali gets off. “Wow! What an adventure!” 在一个非常炎热的一天,阿里在他舅舅的店里发现一个地毯。 “这是什么呢?” 地毯突然跳起来了!它动起来,飞到了空中! “嘿!发生什么事了?” 一个响亮的声音从地毯传来 “欢迎你,我的主。我是一个魔法地毯” 刚开始他们在天空上飞得很高,过了一会儿又降落到一片丛林中。那里十分的湿热,还下着雨。 一会儿,他们有飞到了沙漠,那里极度的炎热和干燥。 “今天太热太热了!” 之后他们又飞去了南极。到处都是冰川、雪地,气候酷寒。 “现在我们又在哪里了呢?我什么都看不见了!“ “我们在山里呢。你看得见我吗?“ “这里的雾太大了!” 然后,他们飞往森林。那里风很大。 “噢,森林里风太大!” 接着,他们又飞到了海上的小岛上去。那里是电闪雷鸣的天气。 “啊哈!咱们还是回家吧!” “真是强劲的风暴啊!” 最终,他们飞回了家里。魔毯降落在商店后,阿里欢快地跳下了毯子。 “哇哦!看咱们经历了一个多么刺激的冒险啊!” 更多文本内容和本期小词汇知识请关注 美旭英语公众号:maxengedu