

2017-01-03    02'45''

主播: 美旭英语

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大家好,美旭英语charlotte老师又和大家见面了,请大家抽出短短几分钟,一起跟随我的声音,体验朗读英语的妙处!!! Every day, Robert’s grandfather went fishing. One day, Robert asked to go too. ‘Well, I want to catch the magic fish. The first person to eat it will become the cleverest person in the world. Can you help me?’ ‘Yes!’ said Robert, and they went fishing. First, they caught a yellow fish with purple spots. ‘Wow! Is that the magic fish?’ asked Robert. ‘No,’ said his grandfather. Then they caught a blue fish with red stripes. ‘Is that the magic fish?’ asked Robert. ‘No,’ said his grandfather. Suddenly, they caught a big, beautiful silver fish with pink and green diamonds. Robert’s grandfather jumped for joy. It was the magic fish! They started to cook the fish, and his grandfather went to get some more wood. He asked Robert to watch the fish, but not to eat any of it. Robert watched the fish very carefully. He saw a tiny bubble on its tail. He touched it with his finger. Pop! The bubble burst. The fish was very hot and burnt his finger. Ouch! He put his finger in his mouth. When his grandfather came back, he saw that something was different. ‘Did you touch the fish?’ asked his grandfather. ‘Yes, I’m sorry,’ said Robert. His grandfather sighed a happy sigh and gave Robert a big hug. ‘The magic fish chose you. You are the cleverest boy in the world, and I am the proudest grandfather ever!’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 译文: Every day, Robert’s grandfather went fishing. One day, Robert asked to go too. 罗伯特的爷爷每日都会去捕鱼。一天,罗伯特也要求要跟着去。 ‘Well, I want to catch the magic fish. The first person to eat it will become the cleverest person in the world. Can you help me?’ “好,我想捕到那条魔力鱼。听说,第一个吃下魔力鱼的将会变成世界上最聪明的人!你能来帮帮我吗?” ‘Yes!’ said Robert, and they went fishing. “当然好啦!”罗伯特说着,俩人便一起钓鱼去了。 First, they caught a yellow fish with purple spots. ‘Wow! Is that the magic fish?’ asked Robert. 刚开始,他们捕上来一只身上带着紫色斑点的黄鱼。“哇!这是那条魔力鱼吗?”罗伯特兴奋的问。 ‘No,’ said his grandfather. “不是的。”爷爷回答说。 Then they caught a blue fish with red stripes. ‘Is that the magic fish?’ asked Robert. 过会儿,他们捕上来一条身上有着红色条纹的蓝鱼。“这是那条魔力鱼吗?”罗伯特又问。 ‘No,’ said his grandfather. “不是,”爷爷回答。 Suddenly, they caught a big, beautiful silver fish with pink and green diamonds. Robert’s grandfather jumped for joy. It was the magic fish! 突然,他们捕上来一只身上分布着粉色和绿色菱形的极其美丽的银色大鱼。罗伯特的爷爷兴奋地跳了起来。“这。。这是魔力鱼!!” They started to cook the fish, and his grandfather went to get some more wood. He asked Robert to watch the fish, but not to eat any of it. Robert watched the fish very carefully. He saw a tiny bubble on its tail. He touched it with his finger. Pop! The bubble burst. The fish was very hot and burnt his finger. 他们准备烹饪这条鱼,但罗伯特的爷爷决定先去捡更多的木料回来生火。临走时,他交代罗伯特把鱼看好了,一点都不能吃。罗伯特小心地照着这条魔力鱼。他突然发现在鱼的尾巴上有一个小泡泡,于是用手指碰了碰。“啵!”泡泡爆裂了,魔力鱼变得很烫,灼伤了他的手指。 Ouch! He put his finger in his mouth. 哎哟!罗伯特吃痛把手指放进嘴里。 When his grandfather came back, he saw that something was different. ‘Did you touch the fish?’ asked his grandfather. 当罗伯特爷爷回来了,他发现了些许异样。“你碰过这条鱼了吗?”他问道。 ‘Yes, I’m sorry,’ said Robert. “是的,十分抱歉,”罗伯特回答。 His grandfather sighed a happy sigh and gave Robert a big hug. ‘The magic fish chose you. You are the cleverest boy in the world, and I am the proudest grandfather ever!’ 爷爷轻叹一声,给了他一个大大的拥抱。“魔力鱼选择了你!你是这个世界上最聪明的男孩儿,而我则是最骄傲的爷爷了!” 今天的小故事你听懂了吗? 本期小词汇知识请关注美旭英语公众号:maxengedu 另外还有美旭英语官方微博:美旭英语;天天不定时更新哦!