

2017-01-16    02'49''

主播: 美旭英语

154 8

大家好,美旭英语charlotte老师又和大家见面了,请大家抽出短短几分钟,一起跟随我的声音,体验朗读英语的妙处!!! The voyage of the animal orchestra It’s a sad day. Our ship, Symphony, hit a rock this morning and we are sinking. We must abandon the ship and swim for our lives. Day 1. We’re alive. We swam all day and all night until we reached land. Who knows what’s on this island? First we must sleep and rest. Day 2. Today we walked around the island. We climbed a tree and all we saw was the deep blue sea and the hot sand. Ouch! Now we must find food. Day 3. Today we went swimming and fishing. There were sea urchins in the sea. Ouch! Now we must find fresh water. Who knows how we can carry it? Day 4. Today we climbed a volcano. At the top there was a pool of fresh rain water. It was delicious! Now we must explore more of the island. Day 5. Today we walked across the island. There were banana trees and coconut trees. Ouch! Now we must make a shelter. Who knows how we can make one? Day 6. Today we made a shelter out of bamboo and palm leaves. We have fish, fruit, milk, water and shelter. Now we must have some music! Day 7. Today the band practised on the beach. There was a ship on the horizon but it didn’t see us. Who knows how we can stop the next ship? Day 364. This morning the band was playing on the beach, (the music was a bit loud), when a ship sailed by! I blew my seashell and the ship stopped! It’s a miracle! The ship heard the band and came to rescue us. We’re finally leaving the desert island. We’re going home! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! 译文: It’s a sad day. Our ship, Symphony, hit a rock this morning and we are sinking. We must abandon the ship and swim for our lives. 真是忧伤的一天。我们的船,交响号,今早触礁了,而我们正再下沉中。 我们必须抛弃这艘船, Day 1. We’re alive. We swam all day and all night until we reached land. Who knows what’s on this island? First we must sleep and rest. 第一天:我们还活着。我们游了一天一夜才游到一个岛上。不知道岛上有人吗?不过我们必须先睡一觉补充体力。 Day 2. Today we walked around the island. We climbed a tree and all we saw was the deep blue sea and the hot sand. Ouch! Now we must find food. 第二天:今天我们在岛上四处转了转。我们爬上了一颗树,我们能看到的只有深蓝的大海和炽热的沙滩。哎呀!我们得去找食物了! Day 3. Today we went swimming and fishing. There were sea urchins in the sea. Ouch! Now we must find fresh water. Who knows how we can carry it? 第三天:今天,我们去游泳、钓鱼。发现海里有一些海胆。哎呀!我们现在必须找些淡水了。有谁知道我们该怎么制造它和保存它吗?! Day 4. Today we climbed a volcano. At the top there was a pool of fresh rain water. It was delicious! Now we must explore more of the island. 第四天:今天,我们爬上了一座火山。在顶峰,我们发现那儿有一泊新的雨水池!特别甘甜!现在呢,我们需要探索更多的岛屿了。 Day 5. Today we walked across the island. There were banana trees and coconut trees. Ouch! Now we must make a shelter. Who knows how we can make one? 第五天:今天我们横穿了整个岛屿,发现岛上有一些香蕉树和椰子树。啊呀!我们需要建一个住所了。但谁来告诉我们怎么做啊? Day 6. Today we made a shelter out of bamboo and palm leaves. We have fish, fruit, milk, water and shelter. Now we must have some music! 第六天:我们用竹子、棕榈树叶子搭建了一个临时庇护所。我们有鱼、水果、牛奶、水和住处。好啦,现在再来点music! Day 7. Today the band practiced on the beach. There was a ship on the horizon but it didn’t see us. Who knows how we can stop the next ship? 第七天:今天,我们的乐队在沙滩上排练,看见在地平线上有船只!但那艘船没有发现我们。谁知道我们怎么做才能停下下一艘船呢! Day 364. This morning the band was playing on the beach, (the music was a bit loud), when a ship sailed by! I blew my seashell and the ship stopped! 第364天:今天早上,我们乐队在沙滩排练的时候,(当时的音乐比较大声),发现有船只经过!我向他吹海螺,然后,船只竟停下来了! It’s a miracle! The ship heard the band and came to rescue us. We’re finally leaving the desert island. We’re going home! 简直是个奇迹!那艘船听到乐队的声音后就过来营救我们了。我们终于离开了那座荒岛!我们要回家啦! 今天的小故事你听懂了吗? 本期小词汇知识请关注美旭英语公众号:maxengedu 另外还有美旭英语官方微博:美旭英语;天天不定时更新哦!