【双语故事】中英文-托马斯和朋友-Misty island rescue雾雾岛大救援

【双语故事】中英文-托马斯和朋友-Misty island rescue雾雾岛大救援

2016-10-20    24'49''

主播: 男神麻麻

3654 36

谢谢大家的收听,因为网络关系有几两个单词在念的时候没能被完整收录但是完全不影响你听故事~Enjoy! 微博:@Nelson男神总司令 英文版: Misty Island Rescue The Sodor Island needs a search and rescue centre. The fat controller wants to build it using the Jobi logs. He says, I need a really useful engine. All the engines think they are useful. They hope the fat controller will pick one of them. Diesel thinks he is more useful than the other engines. He starts to push the Jobi logs by himself. The fat controller does not see him. Thomas watches. He thinks Diesel will go too fast over the hills. He follows Diesel. Diesel goes faster and faster. He doesn't know the bridge is not complete. The Jobi logs are too heavy. He cannot stop. The Jobi logs fall into the sea below. Thomas catches Diesel before he falls into the sea.Diesel is safe. The fat controller is very happy with Thomas. He says, you're a really useful engine. I want you to go to the mainland. I need more Jobi logs. Thomas tells Percy, I puff 3 times if I get lost. Percy replies, if you do, I will come and find you. The mainland is on the other side of the sea. Thomas is out onto a raft behind a ship. Going to the mainland takes all night. Thomas is tired. He falls asleep. Thomas wakes up in the morning. The ship is gone. The raft has landed in an island covered in mist. There is a railway line on the island. Thomas is afraid but he still goes ashore. Thomas travels around the island.it is very quite. He cannot find anyone to talk to. The railway line goes up a mountain. There is no more mist. But Thomas still has not seen anyone. He says to himself, I am alone on this island. No, you're not. Say three voices together. Thomas stops. In front of him are 3 engines. Their names are Bash, Ferdinand and Dash. Bash, Ferdinand and Dash talk with Thomas. They take him to the Logging station. Thomas looks at the logs. He tells them, they are Jobi logs! Thomas wants to take the Jobi logs back to the Sodor Island. bash Ferdinand and Dash say, we can help you! On the Sodor island, everyone is worried about Thomas. No one knows where he is. The fat controller goes looking in the sea. The engines cannot cross the sea to the Sodor Island. Bash, Ferdinand and Dash tell Thomas they can go through a tunnel. Thomas is happy. Inside the tunnel is very dark. Thomas cannot see very well. They must go very slow. The tunnel is filled with rocks. Thomas and the other engines cannot go any further. More rocks fall in the tunnel behind them. now they cannot go back. Thomas looks up. There is a hole in the tunnel above him. He puffs 3 times through the hole. Percy has been looking out over the sea all day. Suddenly, he sees three puffs. They are coming from the Misty Island. Percy tells the fat controller what he saw. Thomas must be in the tunnel on the Misty Island. Says the fat controller. An engine called whiff trys to rescue Thomas. He goes into the tunnel from the Sodor Island. Percy goes with him. Percy follows whiff. They are very careful. Whiff finds the rocks in the tunnel. He says to Percy, we must push the rocks together. Percy and whiff push very hard. Thomas is so happy to see them. Soon, the engines come out of the tunnel. Thomas is back to the Sodor Island. The search and rescue centre is finished. It looks great. Thomas and the fat controller are happy. Bash, Ferdinand and Dash are happy too. In the steam works, they play with Kevin. The fat controller says, the three of you are really useful engines. The END