vol.1058 放轻松,跟着我们回顾去年的电音世界

vol.1058 放轻松,跟着我们回顾去年的电音世界

2023-02-05    140'00''

主播: 大内密谈

33988 305

今天是未来之声兔年第一次营业,虽然不知道第二次是什么时候,既然开张了,就要好好来聊一聊。这不,2022电音盘点虽迟但到,元宵佳节配上电子音乐,这不得嗨起来。倪咕咕在本期也不负责任地说,2022年是他做电音盘点以来最NB的一年,于是乎一口气盘点了33首歌,不知道有没有各位中意的,反正划水怪这期“喜欢”两个字已经说累了~ 更多精彩内容,欢迎收听本期节目。 主播 / 相征 嘉宾 / 倪兵 音频后期 / BBBBUDDHA 音频上传 / Observer Playlist: 00:08:30 Sofia Kourtesis,Manu Chao - Estación Esperanza 00:14:23 Two Shell - home 00:21:02 David Kochs - Night Leaving 00:24:18 Toumba - lr7eb 00:28:44 Commodo - Deft 1s 00:32:17 p-rallel,Kasien - Get Down 00:35:43 King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard,DJ Shadow - Black Hot Soup (DJ Shadow “My Own Reality” Re-Write) 00:39:31 VTSS - For your safety 00:43:50 Beyoncé - PURE/HONEY 00:47:20 O'Flynn,Frazer Ray - Satyr 00:51:33 CASisDEAD - Traction Control 00:54:56 Channel Tres - Just Can't Get Enough 00:59:56 Axel Boman,Kristian Harborg - Atra feat. Kristian Harborg 01:04:34 Burial - Strange Neighbourhood 01:09:13 Call Super - Swallow Me 01:11:44 Carmen Villain - Future Memory 01:16:45 Coby Sey - Permeated Secrets 01:22:04 Daphni - Cherry 01:24:26 Ela Minus,DJ Python - Pajaros en Verano 01:27:27 Floating Points - Vocoder 01:28:21 Jessie Ware - Free Yourself 01:32:22 Huerco S. - Plonk IV 01:37:50 KH - Looking at Your Pager 01:40:54 Lila Tirando a Violeta,Sayveeyun - Whirlwinds 01:44:00 LOGIC1000 - Can't Stop Thinking About 01:47:19 Marina Herlop - shaolin mantis 01:51:30 Nick Leon feat. Dj Babatr,Nick Leon,Dj Babatr - Xtasis 01:56:19 Nikki Nair - Where Are U 01:58:00 Sam Prekop,John McEntire - A Ghost At Noon 02:01:49 Sofie Birch,Nana Pi - Observatory 02:07:29 The Soft Pink Truth - La Joie Devant La Mort 02:09:37 yeule - Bites on My Neck 02:15:34 Theo Parrish,Duminie DePorres - The Real Deal (Mixed) 大内密谈的各种帐号都是“大内密谈” 欢迎加入 欢迎互动:)