世界钢琴日,给一位叫高龙宇的女孩做张Mixtape | 卧房撸歌

世界钢琴日,给一位叫高龙宇的女孩做张Mixtape | 卧房撸歌

2021-03-29    107'15''

主播: 掌柜阿峻

350 1

Playlist Alice Longyu Gao ft. Mura Masa, Bülow - She Abunai Nils Frahm - About Coming and Leaving Claude Debussy, Alain Planes - Rêverie Jon Hopkins - Dawn Chorus Radiohead - Videotape Aphex Twin - aisatsana[102] Jehnny Beth - French Countryside Chilly Gonzales ft. Jarvis Cocker - Tearjerker Max Richter - Elena & Lila Floating Points, Pharoah Sander, LSO - Movement 1 Nils Frahm - Black Notes Ólafur Arnalds ft. JFDR - Back To The Sky (Sunrise Session) A Winged Victory for the Sullen ft. Adam Bryanbaum Wiltzie - The Divided City Rumpistol - (There is No)There There Erland Cooper - Holm Sound Peter Broderick - Eyes Closed And Traveling Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Into My Arms FKA twigs - cellophane 坂本龙一, 岡城千歳 - Opus 龝吉敏子 - Soshu No Oru 小瀬村晶 - Hidden Waltz Chick Corea - Bliss Bill Evans - Peace Piece Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross - LIFE ON MARS? Gary Jules ft. Michael Andrews - Mad World Meredith Monk - Do You Be Philip Glass, Paul Leonard-Morgan - Tales from the Loop