Vol.18 民谣女神苏珊•薇格特辑

Vol.18 民谣女神苏珊•薇格特辑

2013-09-29    30'51''

主播: 黎文

49265 519

主播by 黎文 text by 黎文 on air:2013/09/29 ▷▶▷▶▷▶▷▶▷▶▷▶▷▶ Suzanne Vega 被认为是1980年代民谣运动复兴的领军人物,那时她经常怀抱着木吉它出没于纽约 Greenwich 村的俱乐部,唱着那经由她自己改编的黑人布鲁斯歌曲及现代民谣歌曲。 1983年,A&M唱片公司与 Suzanne Vega 签下了一纸合约。两年后,一张收录有 "Cracking","Marlene on the Wall","Small Blue Thing","The Queen and the Soldier","Neighborhood Girls" 等十首歌的同名处女专辑发表。专辑出人意料的受到了乐评界一致好评。并且在英美两地销量出奇的好。著名的 Rolling Stone 杂志还把该专辑评为八十年代最出色的一百张专辑之一。 1987年的第二张专辑“Solitude Standing”(孤独站立)很好的表现了她的这种心态。但谁也没料到,“Solitude Standing” 在商业上取得了更大的成功,专辑在全世界的销量达到了300万张。乐评家和歌迷一如既往的支持她。专辑中的“Tom’s Diner” 和 "Luka" 更是成为经典名曲。同年,专辑“Solitude Standing” 及歌曲 "Luka" 更被 Grammy 提名为最佳年度专辑奖及最佳年度单曲奖,Vega 本人也被提名为“年度最佳女艺人”奖。 今年7月25日,女神第一次到香港开演唱会,我有幸到场,这确实是人生必看的演唱会,很庆幸我没有错过。 这期节目,分享给大家一些我的最爱,也有一些小八卦,当然还有女神的现场录音,希望你们喜欢! ==♪ 节目歌曲列表 ♪== 1.Caramel 2.Marlena on the wall(HK现场版)+Marlena on the wall 3.Luka(BGM背景音乐) 4.Honeymoon Suite 5.in Liverpool 6.Small blue thing(BGM背景音乐) 7.Tom's Diner ==♪ 节目歌曲列表 ♪== 特别来欣赏下歌词 "Tom's Diner" I am sitting In the morning At the diner On the corner I am waiting At the counter For the man To pour the coffee And he fills it Only halfway And before I even argue He is looking Out the window At somebody Coming in "It is always Nice to see you" Says the man Behind the counter To the woman Who has come in She is shaking Her umbrella And I look The other way As they are kissing Their hellos I'm pretending Not to see them Instead I pour the milk I open Up the paper There's a story Of an actor Who had died While he was drinking It was no one I had heard of And I'm turning To the horoscope And looking For the funnies When I'm feeling Someone watching me And so I raise my head There's a woman On the outside Looking inside Does she see me? No she does not Really see me Cause she sees Her own reflection And I'm trying Not to notice That she's hitching Up her skirt And while she's Straightening her stockings Her hair Has gotten wet Oh, this rain It will continue Through the morning As I'm listening To the bells Of the cathedral I am thinking Of your voice... And of the midnight picnic Once upon a time Before the rain began... I finish up my coffee It's time to catch the train ==♪ 荒岛电台 灵 感调频 ♪== 微信号 hddt2013