

2017-02-07    00'44''

主播: 小红帽🌀

19 0

#Jerry Hall Jerry Hall, He is so small, A rat could eat him Hat and all。 杰瑞何, 个真小, 老鼠都能吞下他, 从帽子到脚。 Jerry ['dʒerɪ] hall [hɔ:l] rat [ræt] eat [i:t] hat[hæt] #讲解 押韵:Hall/small/all,rat/hat 连读:he is;could eat,hat and all #互动 What's this? It is a cat/rat. Where is the cat? The cat is on the chair. Look at the rat. He is very hungry. Look at the cat. He is Jerry Hall. He is small.