N.T station|English in a Minute

N.T station|English in a Minute

2017-09-22    45'03''

主播: 东职院校园之声

35 3

Welcome to English in a Minute! 欢迎来到《一分钟英语》栏目! Most people enjoy listening to music. 大多数人都喜欢听音乐。 But, is this expression actually about songs and tunes? 但是,这个表达真的是关于歌曲和乐调的吗? Music To My Ears 好消息 Jonathan, I cannot believe we have to work over the weekend. Did you not hear the news? The meeting for the project got canceled. No work this weekend after all! Awesome! That is music to my ears! Now, I'll have a chance to catch up on my latest book. You say something is "music to your ears" when you hear good news, or just news that makes you happy. 当你听到好消息或者是让你开心的消息时,你会说那是“music to your ears”。 Music is pleasant to listen to. That is where this expression comes from. 音乐听起来让人很开心。这就是这个表达的来源。 In our example, learning that she didn't have to work on the weekend, was music to Anna's ears. 在我们的例子中,安娜知道周末不用加班以后,她感到很开心。