3. Sam and Tod (2) Tod was able to swim, but Sam couldn't The dog bit (咬) the rope and got out of the bag. It tried its best to swim to save Sam The man was saved, so he was very thankful to the dog. He did not want to kill the dog any more. From then on, he gave the dog as much food as it wanted. 3.萨姆与托德(2) 托德能(be able to)游泳(swim),但萨姆不会。狗把绳子(rope)咬断,从袋子里出来(get out of the bag)。它竭尽全力(try one's best)游过去救(save)萨姆。萨姆获救了,所以他对托德是非常感激的(thankful).他不再(not… any more)打算杀它了。从那以后(from then on),小狗想要吃多少食物(food)萨姆就给多。
上一期: passage3.1
下一期: passage4.1