7. The“Deaf”Wife A man is talking to the family doctor.“Doctor, I doubt whether my wife&`&s going deaf.”The doctor answers,“Here’s something you can try on her to test her hearing. Stand some meters away from her and ask her a question. If she doesn&`&t answer, move a little closer and ask again Keep repeating this until she answers. Then you&`&ll be able to tell if she is deaf or not.” The man goes home and begins to test his wife&`&s hearing. He stands by the wall and says,“My dear, what&`&s for dinner?”He doesn&`&t hear an answer, so he moves closer to her.“My dear, what&`&s for dinner?”Still no answer. He repeats this several times, until he&`&s standing just a few feet away from her. Finally, she answers,“For the eleventh time, I said we&`&re having meat and rice!” 7.“耳聋的”妻子 某人对他的家庭医生说,“医生,我怀疑(doubt)我妻子(wife)要聋(deaf)了。”医生回答说,“有个办法可以测试(test)她的听力。你站(stand)在离她几米远(some meters away)的地方,然后问她一个问题(question)。如果她不回答,你再走近点(a little closer),然后再问。如此重复(repeat)直到她听到为止。那时你就可以判断她是否聋了。” 这人回家后便开始测试他妻子的听力。他站在墙的旁边(by the wall)说,“亲爱的(dear),晚饭(dinner)吃什么?”他没听到回答,于是又朝妻子走近了些。“亲爱的,晚饭吃什么?”仍然(still)没有回答。他如此反复了几次(several times).直到他离妻子只有几英尺(a few feet)的地方。 最后(finally),她回答道,“我都说了十一次了,我说咱们要吃肉(meat)和米饭(rice)。”
上一期: passage6.2
下一期: passage8.1