

2016-12-25    00'33''

主播: 爱维教育

15 2

17. Say It with Flowers (2) These baskets included many kinds of gifts: flowers, stones, candles, etc. Each thing in the basket had a special meaning. By working out the secret message hidden in each gift, the person who received the basket began to understand little by little the true feelings of the person who sent it. 这些篮子里包括(include)许多种礼物(many kinds of gifts):花、石头(stone)、蜡烛(candle)等。每样东西都有特殊的含义(special meaning)。篮子接收者想出(work out)每件物品所暗藏(hide)的信息(message),然后就开始渐渐地(little by little)理解(understand)赠送者的真实感情(true feelings)。
上一期: passage17.1
下一期: passage17.3