18. Learning by Doing and Going Many of my classmates think they are forced to go to school. They say they are only interested in playing. But I love going to school, and my favorite subject is science I like science because the experiments and field trips are exciting. In science we do many exciting experiments in the lab. One time we made crystal form(晶形)in a bottle by using salt in water. Another time we watched how baby chicks are hatched(孵出). We also take exciting field trips for science, We went to a museum and saw huge dinosaurs(恐龙)and tiny butterflies. On Tree-planting Day, we went to a forest and collected leaves. It's good to play, but I would rather do experiments and go on field trips. That’s why science is my favorite subject. 18.通过做与行学习 我的许多同学认为他们是被强迫(force)去上学的,他们说只对玩感兴趣。但我喜欢上学,我最喜欢的学科(subject)是科学(science)。我喜欢科学是因为做实验(experiment)和野外(field)旅行令人兴奋(exciting)。 上科学课时,我们在实验室(lab)做许多令人兴奋的实验。有~次,我们利用水中的盐(salt)在一个瓶子(bottle)里做晶形。还有一次,我们观察小鸡(chick)是怎样被孵化出来的。 为了学习科学,我们还进行令人兴奋的野外旅行。我们去了一个博物馆(museum),看到了巨大的恐龙还有微小的(tiny)蝴蝶(butterfly)。在植树节,我们去了一个森林(forest)并收集树叶(collect leaves)。 玩耍很好,但我宁愿做实验(would rather do experiments)以及去野外旅行。那就是我最喜欢科学课的原因。
上一期: passage17.3
下一期: passage19