19. Jane Came Home Too Late Jane got home late at night. She was going to knock at the door. Just then it opened. Her father was standing by the door. He was a tall man with white hair.“Come in,”he said“I am getting cold.”Jane went in Her mother was waiting in the room Her mother was a short woman She was sitting on the sofa, and looked pale Her father closed the door. “Well,”he said,“Where have you been? You promised not to stay out beyond 11 o'clock. It's one o'clock now.” “It's only a quarter to one.” “That doesn't make any difference. You should have come home earlier”her father replied angrily. “We've been very worried about you,”said her mother. “I'm sorry,”Jane said.“I was at a party. I didn't notice the time.” “You've got a watch, ”said her father.“Your mother and I have waited for a long time. We didn't know where you were” “I can look after myself,”replied Jane“I'm not a baby any more”... That is a situation that we often see in our life Please do not let your parents worry about you again! 19. 简回家太晚 简在深夜(late at night)才回家。她正要敲门,门开(open)了。她的父亲正站在门旁。他是高(tall)个子,头发(hair)都白了。“进来吧,”他说,“我都觉得冷了。”简进了家。她的母亲正在房间(room)里等她。她母亲个子很小,正坐在沙发(sofa)上,看上去脸色苍白(pale)。简的父亲把门关上了。 “那么,你上哪去了?”父亲闷道,“你答应(promise)在外面不超过(beyond)11点的.现在都1点了。” “差一刻钟(quarter)到1点”。 “那没什么差别(it doesn't make any difference).你应该早(early)点回家的”,父亲生气的说。 “我们都非常担心(worried),”母亲说。 “我很抱歉,”简回答,“我参加了一个聚会(party)。我没有注意到(notice)时间,” “可你戴着手表(watch)”,父亲说,“你妈妈和我等了那么长时间。我们不知道你在哪里。” “我可以照顾(look after)自己”,简回答道,“我又不是小孩了。”…… 这是在我们生活中经常看到的一个情形(situation)。请不要再让你们的父母为你们担心(worry about you)了!
上一期: passage18
下一期: passage20