23. A Call from the Secretary Mr. Young was a boss, and he worked hard. Seldom did he have a vacation. His wife was afraid that he would get sick if he continued like that, so she suggested to him taking a vacation. At last Mr. Young agreed. But she was afraid that he might be disturbed by his company, so before they left, Mrs. Young went to see her husband's secretary. Mrs. Young told her,“My husband needs a vacation very much, so whatever happens; please don't disturb him with letters or telephones while were away. Just wait until we get back.” Then on a pleasant morning, after Mr. and Mrs. Young had been away about a week, when the couple was having a picnic and eating their hamburger, Mr. Young received a phone call from his secretary, she said,“Something terrible has happened to your business, but I remember what Mrs. Young told me. so I'm not going to disturb you with it now while you're enjoying your vacation Bye-bye!” 23.秘书的电话 杨先生是个老板(boss)。他工作很辛苦,很少(seldom)休假(have a vacation)。杨夫人担心他这样工作下去会生病(get sick).就建议(suggest)他去休假。最后,杨先生同意了。但杨夫人担心公司(company)有可能会打扰(disturb)他,因此,在他们出发前,扬夫人去会见了他丈夫(husband)的秘书(secretary)。她对秘书说:“我丈夫非常需要休息,所以我们不在的时候,无论发生了什么事,请不要打电话或写信打扰他。一切等我们回来再说。” 于是,在一个令人愉快的(pleasant)早上,那是杨先生和夫人离开大约一周后,当这对夫妇(couple)正在野餐(picnic),吃着汉堡包(hamburger)时,杨先生接到秘书的电话,她说:“您的生意出现了严重问题。但我记得(remember)杨夫人告诉我的话,所以在您享受(enjoy)假期之时,我就不打算打搅您了,再见(Bye-bye)!”
上一期: passage22
下一期: passage24