

2016-12-25    01'01''

主播: 爱维教育

25 2

26. The Proper Way to Give Gifts (1) Everyone has had the experience of giving a gift. A proper gift can help communication and express good wishes, and sometimes it may also bring about unexpected good results. But, an improper gift may not only fail to show good wishes, but also even result in misunderstanding(误会). The art of giving gifts needs more attention, especially in communication with friends from different countries. When you give gifts to the Chinese, you should pay attention to what you say. In China, people may sometimes say the words like“Yi Dian Xin Yi.” 26.送礼物的正确方式(1) 大家都有送礼物的经历。适当的(proper)礼物有助于交流(communication)并表达(express)良好的祝愿(good wishes)。有时(sometimes)还能带来意想不到的(unexpected)效果(result)。但不恰当的(improper)礼物不仅(not only)不能表达心意,而且(but also)可能导致(result in)误会。送礼的艺术(art)需要更多的注意(attention),尤其是与不同国家的朋友交往时。 你给中国人送礼物时,应该注意(pay attention to)你的措辞。在中国,人们有时可能会说“一点心意”诸如此类的话。
上一期: passage27
下一期: passage28