29. Dialogue: Where Is My Pet Dog? (L: Lisa, S: Sam) L: Ten years ago, I went on a tour to London with my pet dog. S: Did you have a good time there? L: Yes. I did. One day, after a tiring tour, I went into a restaurant with my pet dog. S: You should feed your dog first, I think L: Right, so I signed(打手势) a waiter(服务员)to come over. At that time, I couldn't speak English. So I pointed to the dog and made an“eating”gesture, showing that the dog needed some food. S: What happened then? L: The waiter nodded and walked away with my pet dog. I was happy because I made the waiter understand me without any difficulty. But after half an hour, he returned with a plate S: What was on the plate? L: My pet dog! My pet dog was killed and cooked ! 29.对话(dialogue):我的宠物狗在哪里? (L:丽萨Lisa,S:Sam山姆) L:十年前,我带着我的宠物(pet)狗去伦敦(London)观光旅游(tour)。 S:你玩的好(have a good time)吗? L:是的,玩的不错。有一天,令人劳累的(tiring)行程结束后,我带着我的狗进了一家餐馆(restaurant)。 S:我觉得你应当先喂(feed)你的狗。 L:是的,所以我给服务员打了个手势。那时我还不会说英语。因此我指向(point to)我的狗,然后作了一个“吃”的手势(gesture),表示这只狗需要一些食物。 S:后来怎么了? L:那个服务员点点头(nod)就带着我的狗走开了。我很高兴因为我没费吹灰之力(without any difficulty)就让服务员明白了。但半个小时后,他端着个盘子(plate)回来了。 S:盘子里是什么呀? L:我的宠物狗!我的宠物狗被杀死烹饪(cook)了!
上一期: passage28
下一期: passage21