

2016-12-26    02'08''

主播: 爱维教育

120 11

53. Dialogue: Chinese Food W: Waitress, G: Guest W: Good afternoon, sir. We have both Chinese food and western food. Which do you like better, Chinese or Western? G: I'll have Chinese food for a change today. I like Chinese food very much, you know. W: I'm glad to hear that This way, please ... Here is the menu for today. G: Thanks. This is my first visit to China Could you tell me what different kinds of Chinese food you serve here? W: As you can see from the menu, we serve Shanghai food, Guangdong food and Sichuan food. G: Could you tell me more about them? W: With pleasure. Generally, Guangdong food is a bit light, Sichuan food has a strong and hot taste, Shanghai food is rather oily. G: Very interesting. There are so many kinds of dishes of different tastes It's hard to decide which to take. But I think I'll have Sichuan food this time as I like hot food I'd like to have some standard Sichuan dishes. W: Would you like pork shreds with fish seasoning(鱼香肉丝) , chicken cubes with chili peppers(辣子鸡丁) and sour pungent soup(酸辣汤)? G: Very nice. Let me try them W: We usually serve the food first and then the soup, but we'll bring you the soup first if you like. G: I'm used to having soup first. W: All right, sir. I'll get it for you right now. 53.对话:中餐 W:女服务员,G:客人(guest) W:下午好,先生。我们这里有中餐也有西餐(western food).您要点中餐还是西餐? G:今天我想吃中餐换个口味。你知道我很喜欢中餐的。 W:很高兴听您这么说。这边请……这是今天的菜单(menu)。 G:谢谢,这是我第一次来中国。请给我讲讲这里都供应哪些中国菜! W:正如您在菜单上所看到的,我们供应四川菜、广东菜和上海菜 G:能给我详细介绍一下吗? W:非常乐意(with pleasure)。一般来说(generally),广东菜口味清淡些(a bit light),四川菜味道重、辣,上海菜相当油腻(rather oily)。 G:非常有趣。这么多不同口味的不同菜肴(dish),很难决定吃哪种了。但这次我想吃四川菜,因为我喜欢辣的。我想要些标准的(standard)四川菜。 W:那您看鱼香肉丝、辣子鸡丁和酸(sour)辣汤怎么样? G:非常好,让我尝尝吧。 W:我们通常是先上菜后上汤,但我们可以根据您的要求给您先上汤。 G:我习惯先喝汤(I'm used to having soup first)。 W:好的,先生。我马上给您端上。
上一期: passage52
下一期: passage54