【fish in the pool】へクとパスカル

【fish in the pool】へクとパスカル

2016-12-26    04'38''

主播: 打呼噜的鱼

3575 128

Let me hear~,让我倾听, the sound of your heartbeat on my toes.你心跳的声音,我踮起脚尖, Let me touch my ear on your chest.让我的耳朵贴在你的胸口, It rains cats and dogs.天空下起了倾盆大雨, I'm a little soaking mouse.我像大雨中逃窜的老鼠, Here wet with a blanket of rain.在路上淋的湿透, And I dream of you.此刻我的心中想的却全是你, I don't like this time we have.我不喜欢我们相处的时光, Cause I'm here afraid of when we lose it.因为我怕聚散终有时, Can you hear the rain above?你能听到天空滴落的雨声吗, It sounds like a tiny march of angels.像是天使经过的轻微脚步声, Please don't leave me here just watch me dance.请你不要留下我一个人,看着我的舞步, Pointé passé fouetté,Pointé passé fouetté(翩翩起舞), Whenever we meet it rains cats and dogs.我们相遇的时候总是大雨倾盆, I'm a little soaking mouse.我像大雨中逃窜的老鼠, I'm wet with a blanket of rain.在路上淋得湿透, And I dream of you.心中却想的全都是你,La la you know...啦啦-你知道, I knew you'd no longer be here,我也明白,你很快就要离开, when the summer was over.当这个夏天结束的时候, and now I knew you'd be back, 可是,现在我知道你最终还是会回来, and without any words or hints.而且没有任何预言和征兆, It must be fate.我想这就是命运吧, The world is a dream in rain.这个世界就像一场在雨中的梦, The splashes of water shines don't you see.你能看到那飞溅明亮的水花吧, Watch out.要小心, Don't step on the fish in the pool.不要踩到在池塘中的小鱼, I'm a little soaking mouse.我是大雨中逃窜的老鼠, I'm wet with a blanket of rain.在路上被淋得湿透, And I dream of you.心中想的却全是你,Let me hear,让我倾听, the sound of you heartbeat on my toes,你心跳的声音,踮起脚尖, Let me touch my ear on your chest,让我的耳朵贴在你的胸口, It rains cats and dogs,天空下起了倾盆大雨, I'm a little soaking mouse,我是大雨中逃窜大老鼠, Here wet with a blanket of rain,在路上被淋得湿透, And I'm dreaming of you,心中想的却全是你, Oh Ah Oh, Oh Ah Oh, Oh Ah Oh, Oh Ah Oh, Wuuu~Wuu~, Wuuu-Wuuu, Oh Ah Oh, Oh Ah Oh, Wuu~,Wuu, La La La, La La La, La La La, La La La, La...La La~, La La La。