小猪小象系列:I Am Going(我要走了!)

小猪小象系列:I Am Going(我要走了!)

2016-09-20    05'02''

主播: 硅谷妈妈

195 4

原文: Gerald: This is a good day. Piggie: Just like yesterday. Gerald: Yes! Yesterday was a good day, too. Piggie: Well, I am going. Gerald: You are going?! You are going away?! Piggie: Yes. Gerald: You cannot go! You must not go! I WILL NOT LET YOU GO!!! Piggie: I am going. Gerald: PIGGIE! Gerald: What about me? Who will I skip with?Who will I play Ping-Pong with? Who will I wear a silly hat with?WHO WILL I SKIP AND PLAY PING-PONG IN A SILLY HAT WITH?!?! Piggie: I am sorry, Gerald. But, I am going. Gerald: Fine. Then I will go, too! Gerald: Watch me go! Gerald: I am going! Look at me go! Piggie: Have fun. Gerald: Wait! Go later! Go tomorrow! Go next week! Go next month! GO NEXT YEAR! Piggie: I am going now. Gerald: NOW!?! Why, Piggie? Why? Why? Why?Why?Why?...... Gerald: Why? Piggie: It is lunchtime, Gerald. Gerald: Lunchtime? Piggie: I am going to eat lunch. Gerald: You are going to eat lunch? Piggie: Yes. Gerald: Oh. Gerald: Piggie? Piggie: Yes, Gerald? Gerald: Is it a big lunch? Gerald: This is a good day. Piggie: Just like yesterday...