I just don't know what's going on or why it has to be.
But every day it's something worse.
What's happening to me?
I think it was three days ago
I first became aware-
That in my comb were caught a couple pieces of my hair.
I stared at them, amazed, and more than just a bit appalled
To think that I was only five
And starting to go bald!
Then later on(I don't recall exactly when it was)
I lifted up my shirt and found this little piece of fuzz.
I stared at it, amazed, and wondered,
What's this all about?
But then I understood.
It was my stuffing coming out!
Next day when I was outside playing with the water hose,
I saw that little bits of skin were peeling from my toes.
I stared at them, amazed, and then I gave a little groan,
To think that pretty soon I might be peeled down to the bone.
Then yesterday, before my bath,
As I took off my clothes,
A chunk of something gray and wet fell right out of my nose.
I stared at it, amazed, and thought,
I should be feeling pain.
Well, wouldn't you if you just lost a little piece of brain?
So now, today, I'm sitting here enjoying Dr. Seuss,
And suddenly I realize a tooth is coming loose!
I wiggle it, amazed, dismayed, too horrified to speak.
Without my teeth, how can I eat?
Already I feel weak!
Now I'm really worried.
I'm as scared as I can be, 'cause finally what's happening is very clear to see-
The glue that holds our parts together isn't holding me!!!
And now I'm thinking to myself, what's next in line to go?
Might be my ears; might be my eyeballs.
How's a kid to know?
One day I might be playing ball...
And have my arm fall off.
Or maybe I could lose my head if suddenly I cough.
Quite soon I'll be in pieces in a pile without a shape.
Thank goodness Dad keeps lots and lots and lots of masking tape.
You forgot?
To tell me teeth fall out?
And when they do, some brand-new teeth will soon begin to sprout?
My hair, my skin, and everything-
There's nothing I should fear?
So all of me is normal. Whew!
That's really good to hear!
Then tell me, what's this yellow stuff I got out of my ear?