Where Do Pants Go?

Where Do Pants Go?

2017-03-08    05'14''

主播: 硅谷妈妈

626 12

原文: Where does underwear go? On your chest? No. On your head? No,no,no! Underwear goes on your bottom. That's where underwear goes! Underwear on your bottom! Where do pants go? On your arms? No. On your neck? No,no,NO! Pants go on your legs. That's where pants go. Pants on your leg,and underwear on your bottom! Where do shirts go? On your knees? On your hips? No,no,NO! Shirts go over your head and onto your chest. Shirt on your chest,pants on your legs,and underwear on your bottom! Where do socks go? On your hair? No. On your ears? No,no,NO! Socks go over your feet and up to your ankles. That's where socks go! Socks on your feet,shirt on your chest,pants on your legs,and underwear on your bottom! Where do shoes go? On your hands? No. On your nose? No,no,NO! Shoes go on your feet. That's where shoes go! Shoes and socks on your feet, shirt on your chest,pants on your legs, and underwear on your bottom! Where do hats go? On your foot? No. On your bottom? No,no,NO! Hats go on your head. That's where hats go! Hat on your head, shoes and socks on your feet,shirt on your chest,pants on your legs,and underwear on your bottom! Where do jackets go? On your face? No. On your dog? No,no,NO! Jackets go over your shirt,and wrap around your body. That's where jackets go! Jacket over your shirt,hat on your head, shoes and socks on your feet, shirt on your chest, pants on your lets, and underwear on your bottom! Now where do these kids go? Into the bathtub? No. To bed? No,no,NO! These kids go out to play! That's where they go! Kids go out to play with jackets over their shirts,hats on their heads,shoes and socks on their feet,shirts on their chests,pants on their legs,and underwear on their bottoms!